mmmm AKHIRNYAAAA BLOG GUE BISA!!! ini semua karena template laknat yang kemaren ;_;. ne minna, ini belom gue edit ngek males banget. oh iya gue kesel deh sama header nya. gue udah buat HQ yaaa terus pas dipasang KENAPA JADI LQ???? kesel gak sih? kesel dong.
gimana nih males banget ngeliat header gue LQ
gue belom batal loh wakakakaka *goyangdombret*
oh iya gue sekarang SMA lohh #sowhat.
gue sekarang sekolah di SMAN 48. gile anak gaul tamini gua wakakak. and you know, High School kill me Softly. too many tasks, tests, and they friends -_-. oh ya, gue duduk dikelas X3 sekarang. gak jauh beda sama 96. sama gila nya sama ributnya sama gokilnya. but no other of them seems like MG :( miss them so bad.
dan oh ya kelas gue kan pake AC. terus jam" terakhir pasti gue gak konsen. pasti ngantuk
oh ya Header gue! SHOUJO JIDAI! :D itu nama jepang mereka. nama korea nya ya SNSD. please don't bashing at them. if don't like them, don't publish your feeling to me. that's hurt me and i will be angry like hell (?)
by the way, i miss my J-fandom ;_;. i miss Nakajima Yuto i miss Daiki Arioka i miss them so damn badly.
gue terlalu sibuk sama K-fandom gue. abisan kpopers lebih banyak daripada jpopers /bletak. but i still love jpop for sure nanana~
i must go to elsa's now! bye minna !
Labels: cho kyuhyun, daiki arioka, daily, j-fandom, k-fandom, Nakajima yuto
Monday, September 6, 2010 1:10 PM back to top?